Wes Williams

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My older brother Donovan was part of Memphis BDPA three years prior to my joining, so BDPA was not new to me. Donovan, even at his young age, was very technical. Therefore, BDPA was perfect for him. But what about the kids who are not as technically advanced as Donovan? Those kids like me.

I was what you would call a typical teenager. Hanging out all the time, goofing off, and walking through life aimlessly and hopelessly with low self-esteem. My mind wasn’t focus on school, the future, or anything for that matter. My dad always told me “never live your life as wasted talent.” That’s just what I was becoming, “Wasted Talent.”

My parents knew that I had endless potential, but I couldn’t see it. So we were running out of options. God blessed my parents and got me in BDPA. Needless to say I was very skeptical of joining at first, but I gave it a chance.

Once in Memphis BDPA, wonderful instructors and the entire Memphis BDPA family helped bring out all my talents. Not just technical talents, but also how to speak better, create a resume and be more professional. Most importantly, BDPA gave me a new attitude.

The instructors helped and supported my brother Trevor, two friends and I start our company, Zenoge Enterprise (www.zenoge.com). They also lead our computer programming team to four consecutive National High School Computer Competition championships.

BDPA and Memphis BDPA did so much for me, I wanted to make sure that they would grow as a high school team and a chapter. I volunteered to be an instructor, mentor, and motivator for the all the classes. I was part of the first IT Showcase for college students in 2003. I received second place honors.

Although Memphis BDPA is my home, my love, and my heart, I didn’t stop there. Now I work with the Chattanooga Chapter getting their HSCC program started. On my journey I hope to one day be an outstanding Chapter President and maybe a great National President.

BDPA helps students inside and outside the IT world. Students like me who might have been in their “terrible twos” all the way up through their teenage years. BDPA can help mold them into something outstanding.